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T7Continent :
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T7Citadel :

T7Continent :

T7Citadel :

Posted - Edited
Fixed : Exploration.
Pas "exploitation", vil nécrodruide !! ![]() --- Je vous rejoins sur l'impression que le jeu est meilleur en solo-1-perso que en solo-multi-perso. Mais je trouve le jeu bien plus calibré pour du multijoueur que 7e Continent, donc je n'irai pas jusqu'à dire qu'il est meilleur en solo. On s'amuse bien avec mon épouse ! ![]() Posted - Edited
Je rejoins globalement l'avis de Karlack.
Je me fais bien au carnet tout de même : j'y mets des choses qui n'ont pas besoin d'être en pensée tout le temps et que je ne risque pas trop d'oublier : ma collection de plantes, mon avancée sur les Dénicheuses, mes bâtiments "surprises" de la Citadelle C'est un bon gain de place quand même. Pour les sabots, en jeu, c'est un confort dont je ne me passerai plus. J'ai lu d'ailleurs d'autres joueurs qui utilisaient aussi la zone "sous le sabot" pour y stocker quelques cartes, ou bien qui utilisaient 1 sabot pour deux (sans mélanger les deck hein) avec une petite variante sur l'usage recommandé. Le seul défaut important de ces sabots, c'est leur encombrement hors jeu. Il n'est pas raisonnable de les démonter et c'est assez volumineux. A prendre en compte selon son espace disponible. Posted
Joli projet EEric !
![]() Je ne pense pas qu'il y ait le moindre problème dans ce que tu me décris. ![]() Sous réserve que Serious Poulp intervienne à l'avenir pour cadrer plus précisément, bien sûr. Gardons ce sujet pour les informations "juridiques". Je t'invite à ouvrir un sujet dédié pour ton projet lorsque tu voudras le partager. ![]() ![]() Posted - Edited - Moved
Pour The 7th Continent, il y a un Fan kit mis à disposition par Serious Poulp qui impose à son usagé d'accepter la charte (incluant l'affichage de l'icone officielle "Fan made").
Pour The 7th Citadel, malgré quelques éléments disponibles, il n'y a pas (encore ?) de kit de ce genre. Les productions fan-made sont donc moins encadrées mais se doivent bien sûr de respecter la loi. Ca me parait une bonne idée de s'inspirer très fortement de la charte de T7Continent : Au final, le mieux est de faire preuve de transparence et de venir partager sur ce forum vos créations ! ![]() On a hâte ! Posted
I moved this topic.
But I can't check the problem because the link is not valid for me (blank page). Only me ? Posted - Edited
You're right : there's no difference between returning the Past when you save or when you load your game.
Maybe the authors prefer to explain a very fast save functionality (marketing reason) ? Maybe it' the way they prefer to play at home after an loooong session of adventure : spleeping 15 minutes sooner ? ![]() Posted
Salut BranBran01
![]() Je n'ai pas expérimenté le mode solo pour l'instant, donc je ne saurais pas vraiment te répondre. Les 2 options sont des choix qui se valent, selon le style que tu préfères, je dirais. Avec plusieurs persos, il faut sans cesse se demander qui réalise l'action pour savoir quel inventaire est accessible (en cas d'évènements en conséquence à gérer) et qui sont les participants. Il est facile d'oublier et de "tricher" en se disant "oui mais en fait, c'est l'autre qui a fait ça". Je pense que je ferai du vrai solo à 1 perso pour m'éviter ça. Question : pourquoi tu parles de la partie à 3 avec une autre boîte ? Ca a une implication sur ta partie solo ? Posted - Edited
The rule which prohibits 2 simultaneous Actions is the most important.
Example (too complicated compared to the game ![]() An action X results in: ![]() ![]() ![]()
Irgy wrote: "Blacksmith" A0065 has no instruction to discard it, so fails the "(if indicated)" condition in Sarah's statement. Can I therefore play Blacksmith to save 2 energy on a check, then play Brooks' "Save your energy" and discard "Blacksmith", even though the second effect on Blacksmith is still pending? + Irgy wrote: Am I able to voluntarily decline to gain the pending effects from an ability in order to block/discard a card sooner? According to my understanding, we can't decide to decline an effect. We only may apply a null effect instead. ==> That's make the card in a "played" state until the last step of theses effects is over. At this moment, it's time to discard/block this card if asked, or to return it to a "non-player, available" state. I hope this use of states isn't too confuse but it's the best way I've found to explain. Your example/ - I play Blacksmith (Image of the card ![]() ![]() - I play Brooks' "Save your energy" (Image of the card ![]() ![]() - At the Result step, you may not use Blacksmith for its conversion effect. Now, Blacksmith has the state of "non-played" card. Another example could be the sames cards played in another order / - I play Brooks' "Save your energy" (Image of the card ![]() ![]() - After that, there's no Blacksmith card in my Hand to reduce the cost of the Action. ![]() Irgy wrote: Page 19 of the rulebook says "You can discard IMO, the rule could be : "You can discard ![]() It' a rule to allow the player to manage his hand's size. Nothing more. So, yes, the Sarah's text add to you a discarding optimization, but it's not in conflit with the rule (as I completed it). Your questions push me to my analytical limits. ![]() And, I'm sorry, but SP is overwhelmed by work for the next KS campain. ![]() Posted - Edited
Braxus wrote: Some skill cards I receive the confirmation from Sarah (and Bruno, the author). ![]() As we conclude, Un effet d'une carte ne peut être utilisé qu'une fois par séquence. Translation ==> A card effect can only be used once per sequence. Discarding a ![]() Posted
Bonjour Ben41 :)
La 2ème campagne permettra d'obtenir une réimpression de la boîte Collector de base et les extensions comme celles du 1er KS. La seule différence sera la présence de correctifs (légers) déjà intégré. La livraison de ce contenu se fera dans une vague de livraison prévue pour novembre 2024 (versus immédiatement si achat en boutique). Le prix, pas encore d'information mais a minima comme sur la boutique je pense. Et en plus, lors de cette campagne, il y aura accès à des nouveautés qui sont en cours de développement : la livraison vise novembre 2025 d'après les annonces à ce jour. Voilà ! A toi de choisir ! Posted - Edited
Irgy wrote: Thanks for the response, but this answer is only going as far as telling me what I already knew. My main purpose was to argue that it should be reconsidered. But, if I accept it as given, the implications still have some uncertainty that I feel is not answered by this reply. Your proposal to reconsider this rule clarification has already been studied by the author before. But the other solutions generated other problems. The choice is therefore the one stated by Sarah. Irgy wrote: Can I confirm then that I can discard card A to pay for another ability on card B, even though I have already activated an ability on card A which will result in card A being discarded, such as described in the example with Endurance? Thereby paying the cost of both cards with just card A. Sarah's last sentence in her rule gives an implicit instruction (which she confirmed to me): the discarding of a played card ONLY occurs during this timing (end of effects or 4B step). Voluntary discarding from another card is prohibited. Irgy wrote: Can I get clarification on what happens if a card is discarded (either to another card's ability, or to text in the consequence step) before all of the effects have been applied? Can the remaining effects still be applied? This case is not possible*. According to Sarah's rule, the played card cannot be absent with its effect not yet applied. The discard arrives after the application of the effects or in 4B step (after ![]() Irgy wrote: If the answer to the above is that remaining effects cannot be applied, does this also apply to instructions such as blocking the card? Not applicable. Irgy wrote: Can I confirm that Denhom's and Arthen's "Determination" is still discarded during the gear up step, despite that being inconsistent with the statement that " A played card is discarded (if indicated) as soon as all its effects have been used, or otherwise at the end of the complete action resolution sequence."? These 2 cards have a text that applies in priority to Sarah's rule, as required by the golden rule (the card takes precedence over the rule). * In the other answer, you talked about Consequence step : if a ![]() ![]() ![]() I hope that it's more clear now. ![]() Posted
Note: In this topic, we use the term “cost” to talk about the inconvenience that a card requires you to pay to use its effect.
This is not the correct definition of ![]() We have therefore not talked about the cost of an Action. Posted - Edited
jujulautre wrote: Do you have an example of such a card ? We discuss together on Discord about this. But I copy here 2 examples of cards. There are Advanced Skills so I put Medium spoiler tag. 1/ Here, with multiple activation, we should be able to reduce cost by -2-2-2-2... ![]() 2/ Here, with multiple activation, we should be able to use 4 or more class icons, over the Max.3 limit. ![]() Posted
Hello Marcus,
Welcome here ! ![]() The more you will spend "Hope" for some Advanced skills, the more you will have ![]() And of course, the more you find ![]() There's a moment (mid-Theart ?) when you should be happy to draw Class icons to activate all your stuff. ![]() |