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Well... some people interpret the rules blocked purse have no effect except its weight. And keywords are part of its effects. So no, blocked purse cards have no keywords.

(On the other hand though... some game effect check if you have a card with a specific keyword AND unblocked at the same time. This only makes sense if blocked cards can have keyword. So I am not sure myself.)
Karbous wrote:
I think you are not allowed to play a skill cards during the Consequence part of the action = you cannot use a skill card, that you obtained as part of the consequence of an action, for that action.

Again, it was already confirmed, that skills/purse cards can be used anytime during the action.LINK
JackSpirio wrote:
I now played the next scenario with my proposed errata and it was way more interesting again, after it became a bit boring with that exploit.

Let's wait for the official answer from Sarah, I'm really curious myself whether this is even an error or not.
I think people should stop sending "errors" like this. First, they are not gameplay errors, at worst they are just typos which won't affect anything. Second, there is a high chance it is not even a typo since there are many many words which iare just different. This world has its own language.
Omg what? Do NOT take them apart! Why would you do that? Just rotate the discs and set the life.
Call me stupid, but the more we discuss how timing and effect resolution works the more I am confused. Can we just list all the cards which can be applied twice using the You are focused card?
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Sarah wrote:
However, be careful, for this to work the card must have been discarded, which happens once all its effects have been applied or at step 4-B of the action resolution otherwise.

For example, a card like Improvise (D) could not be used in this way (Add 1 card to your hand only applies at step 4-B and it will be discarded at that time).

Wait, this is something new and not covered in the rulebook...
So you say card effects like "Discard this." and "Block this." can not be activated until ALL of the card effects are resolved?

So this specific Improvize card with the hand_blue_addsymbol cannot be used twice with You are focused card because of this? Maybe can I just forfeit the hand_blue_add effect (and not use it later) of Improvize and discard it in the 3.C Result step?
Sarah wrote:
In fact, the effect of selected card_type_purse cards and card_type_skill cards in hand can be used at any time during the action resolution.

What is stated in step "3.C Apply the effects of their cards" is that this is the moment when the effect of these cards is applied "in order to get additional successes and/or take additional cards into account and/or convert class icons into various bonuses." For all other effects, they apply at the step concerning them, or at the moment you decide.

Thank you for confirming this. Let me bring an example to check if this play is legal during the Consequence step - top row are the revealed cards, bottom row is my hand:

  1. Activate Consider and take Anticipation to my hand.
  2. Discard Consider.
  3. Activate Anticipation in my hand and shuffle Improvize and Jack of trades back to action deck.
  4. Discard Anticipation.
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I don't think they can be used at _any time_ as the rulebook is clear that by default skill cards (and gear cards too) are used during the Result step.

eladv wrote:
Hi all, sorry for the confusion, in my example I meant Casek's Determination and Improvize, both of which can be used at any time (not only Gear-Up step) and get discarded on use (not blocked). I've updated the original post to represent this.
gforce2k5 wrote:
Braxus wrote:
According to the rulebook selected gear cards are activated during the RESULT step of the action resolution (together with the skill cards). So you can for example
activate Improvize, discard it, retrieve it with You are focused then use Improvize again.
There is another skill card which does the same as Card 150 and I use it like I described. However, this will not work for Determitnation as it has to be used during the GEAR-UP step.

Actually your example is not so good because in order to use improvize you have to block it, not discard it. Otherwise a valid example

I just checked and my Improvize is discarded after use. Maybe you use a different character.
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gforce2k5 wrote:
Braxus wrote:
According to the rulebook selected gear cards are activated during the RESULT step of the action resolution (together with the skill cards). So you can for example
activate Improvize, discard it, retrieve it with You are focused then use Improvize again.
There is another skill card which does the same as Card 150 and I use it like I described. However, this will not work for Determitnation as it has to be used during the GEAR-UP step.

Actually your example is not so good because in order to use improvize you have to block it, not discard it. Otherwise a valid example

Sorry, I did not remember how Improvize worked... but you got the point.
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According to the rulebook selected gear cards are activated during the RESULT step of the action resolution (together with the skill cards). So you can for example
activate a skill card, discard it, retrieve it with You are focused then use it again.
There is another skill card which does the same as Card 150 and I use it like I described. However, this will not work for Determitnation as it has to be used during the GEAR-UP step.
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I think you made an error "your may read" is not grammatically correct.

dill wrote:
Pay special attention when applying the big Drums of desolation booklet sticker so you would not cover what should not be covered - compare with the official errata PDF.
Specifically, that sticker should cover texts up to the "If you want to restart this scenario immediately:" line which should not be covered.
In this scenario there are some side quests available to choose from and at the end it is checked if the quest is finished with a Dialogue book number. If I can't finish the side quest during that scenario but I finish later in a different scenario., can I return to that epilogue and check the outcome? Or are the unfinished quests failed for good?
You cannot mix, as the card instructs you to draw as priority from the 451 deck.

bernardopeixoto wrote:
Another question about this: after using the crown and taking the 451 cards, during the next actions do I need to draw all necessary cards from the 451 deck? Or can I draw one from there and the others from my regular deck?
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Question about the Necrodruid crown cards, which gives you
many successes
, but
during the Consequence step they are returned after revealed
Can those cards get to the player's hand or discard pile (e.g. through the Illuminate card effect or hand_blue_add or action Consequence -X draw)? This way those cards could be reused later... Or are those card returned after use no matter what?
I think there is a hard cap of 7. This is a magical number. 7 Citadel. You should use all that cards before unblocking and returning.
There was no all-in pledge. There was only a gameplay all-in pledge which contained all the gameplay expansions (see detailed list of items on KS). The second box with 1350 sleeves was an add-on. If you did not add it to your pledge then of course you did not get it.
Thank you for the clarification.