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When doing the beacon of the night curse, the clue card tells you that there's 3 resources you need to find.
Along with hints on the means to find them. However, at least one of the 3 resources has An alternative means of obtaining, in the 350 cards When taking the action on the clue card, it tells you to banish specific named cards But the Alternative card is named differently Gas Can/Half Full Gas Can Was the intention that if you solve it the "main" way, you banish the card, but if using the alternative card, you don't? I don't like to use thematic justifications for not following the rules to the letter, but when I don't have the specific named card I'm told to banish, felt I had to wing it. Argument for banishing: It just means banish the fuel card, obviously. Argument against: The other can is only half full, there's still some fuel left in this one after filling the lamp! FWIW I went with what made the game harder, which is my default choice. Posted
I really think this rule should be implemented.
Botanist in training Posted
As absurd as this discussion is, I do wish Bruno or Firebird would just come and say something like "Of course it doesn't go back in the deck every time you use it".
Can someone ask on the French forum? Posted
I think you just get to keep 2 cards from the original draw. Posted
I play the strict way, the worms aren't much of a threat otherwise. I also consider getting in the balloon to be banned too.
That's 2 answers, both with thematic rational behind them, and both I agree could be correct. Would be nice to get it confirmed!
Once the Flying Roots sidequest is "completed" you gain the ability to
Ignore a flying root on your terrain card when drawing a card during the results step If I choose to do this, can I still use The 7star brown icon on the earlier flying roots reward? Or is the Mini considered "not there" because I ignored it. Posted
It seems to me that the answer given in this thread is correct, and that's how I've played it. But there's been a discussion on BGG about this card and I was just wondering if the designers have ever confirmed that the "Shuffle this card back into action deck" only applies on the first draw?
As soon as you get the Spike Trap, the combo is live again though. Basically unlimited free durability at the cost of keeping one card in hand. Still way overpowered. Bruno's proper nerf for me.
I think you're right in how to resolve it, there's a bit in a specific curse
The Icy Maze The thing is with this one, it doesn't feel like this was intended behaviour. It feels weird that you can go through all the story of pulling the ring But then being able to completely bypass it by walking into the room via slightly different route. It feels to me the action that banishes the green terrain card to the south of where the slug Posted
The point is if you choose not to flip the exploration card
north from the gold 446 Posted
That was pretty much the phrasing I came up with on bgg :)
eg. Choose a card from the discard pile, then discard a card from an item to place it into your hand. Posted
That sounds way less powerful, I approve!
Fingers crossed for an official ruling on this!
Firebird? Any chance? Posted
Figured as much, thanks.
For example, when using
the tribal stool Do I just have to pick one and go with it, or can I look at the cards before choosing? Posted
This ability is actually insane. I'm now running with 3 stacks all with an aggressive keyword on top, and just bouncing the war paint around them every time I run into a leaf. It's so overpowered haha! Refreshing the walking stick stack has never been easier!
Posted - Edited
On the back of the gold version of card 764 there is a
blue banner ![]() But the card text says: If there is a ![]() I don't have that, but I do have it In my inventory, as part of an item stack Surely that's what was meant...? I find it hard to believe what I have isn't right! Feels to me the text has been cut and pasted from Purple banner text Posted
I've already discarded it back
into the 350s Draw 6 advance skill cards, you may then spend X experience to purchase one of these where X is the cost in the :experience: It was really wordy, and strangely specific. The text on the sidequests does seem to suggest they always apply though, that's the way I played it. Glad someone agrees that's right! Posted
Do the discounts obtained from
Sidequests 000 Or can I apply them when using the 350 card: Encyclopaedia? Thanks |