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I may be wrong, and I don't have the game with me right now to check, but from what you describe, there is no problem in my opinion. As you got the 179 as a consequence of an action, "all involved" means all characters which were involved in the action that led to this consequence. I don't see how others even could get involved.
Sorry to have bad news for you, but as the cards were never produced or sold solitary, they are only available as part of the core box. Best chance is probably to look for one of those replaced packs, where people who got the first run of the second edition sell the cards they replaced with the new batch of cards they got because of colour/size issues. Posted
Oops - I'm sorry. Must have gotten a knot in my brain...
Of course actions on terrain cards are not available until you are on that card. I thought about exploration cards and wasn't even aware, that those mandatory actions also are to be found on terrain cards. Posted
Hi Zoople,
red bordered actions are mandatory the moment you reveal them. Whatever action is to be taken, it's something that won't wait until you happen to come back to go that way. Also you can't switch active player the moment a mandatory action is to be handled. The one who lead the last action is the one who is affected by whatever that action triggered. Posted
Don't have my game at hand right now, but doesn't have the card
the keyword "elixir" itself all cards with the keyword "elixir" i found had the "discard all cards with elixir" thing Posted
I think it's just
the materials you gathered that are to damp, but you may es well look for other stuff Posted
Well, you use the item, have to lower its durability by 1, now you can lower the durability of the item containing PC by 1 to not have to lower the durability of the used item. So whether you use the ability of PC or not, the item looses 1 durability.
jhaelen wrote:
Well, it seems to me that by applying common sense most players played the card right - there is no need to make a rule book as thick as the holy bible just to make sure there is not the least possibility that a player could eventually play a card not the way it was intended. But i guess as soon as official T7C championships are announced, the developers will provide everything needed to make sure that all players play by the same rules. Posted
If 3 was true, any card with the text "discard this to..." would be discarded without effect as the normal effect comes after the prompt to discard the card and can not be read if you have to follow that prompt immediately
I think the first paragraph of the card was just worded a little poorly. The interpretation 1 is very powerful, but not as powerful as some people seem to think - how often is 1 card enough to do a successful action? Posted
The durability of an item is lowered either when that item is used or when an effect tells you to lower the durability. If a card of that stack has the phrase "Using this item does not reduce durability value", you have to declare during the item step whether you want to use only that part of the item or the whole item.
If you use an item, you may gain effects from all cards that item consists of if you chose to use the whole item. You discard/banish single cards from the item only if that is part of an effect. Discarding a card doesn't reduce the item's durability. If you discard the top card of an item stack, the next card becomes the new top card. You may not rearrange the cards of an item and always have to add new cards to the bottom. Posted
Also, the WGUMCD character "Phileas Fogg & Jean Passepartout" provides this ability for people who want to play with only one character.
I don't know about how it is phrased in the French version of the game, but in English it clearly states that
when you reveal a "The strangest encounter!" card during the Result step of an action, you may ignore any flying root figure on your Terrain card. checks for flying root figures the moment it's revealed, that's also the moment you ignore them When you look at what you had to do until you get that last card, i'd say it's a fair deal to finally get the bonuses from the flying roots without the downside of risking failure Posted
abredon wrote: While it seemed clear that action card text isn't processed when revealed in the Result step, Flying Roots and card 180 don't work with that simplistic interpretation. I agree that the FR would need such an extra rule, but 180 doesn't. It's second effect is a ongoing effect that is gained when drawing the card from the adventure deck and that is triggered by revealing that card from the action deck. Posted
Page 12: under "3. Result" it clearly states that only effects from a variety of cards may be applied, cards revealed during the result step are not among those cards. Else there isn't also a rule against using effects you wrote on a paper, so why not just make a note with "you succeed this action and use it at any test, as there is no rule against it? You always read the complete text on a card before resolving it, so you don't shuffle the card into your action deck before you read the second paragraph. It's after you are informed of the ongoing effect that you shuffle the card into the deck, so from that moment on the second paragraph is triggered whenever the card is revealed from the action deck. You HAVE a case here with the Flying Roots - i actually thought that exception about cards actually being resolved while revealed from the action deck had been in the expansion rules, but it's not there. So here an errata concerning the use of the FR cards would be a good thing. Posted
When drawing the card from the adventure deck, the text on the numbered side of the card takes effect in the whole. As the card is no skill card, you never use it for a possible ability but only for its successes (stars and/or sevens) when revealed from the action deck. The "When this gets revealed..." effect is actually not an effect you gain when revealing the card, but it's already gained the moment you draw it from the adventure deck and shuffle it into the action deck and is only triggered by revealing it. I don't see anything here contradicting the rules. Posted
You are only ignoring the roots when revealing them, thus they don't have the auto-fail effect anymore. All other effects you have from FR journal cards still work. The ingame reason is that you finally befriended the FRs and no they no longer distract you. Posted
Well, the card isn't as ambiguous as it may seem at the first glance.
As Brisingre already mentioned, the effect of the card is dependant from the situation it shows up. When drawing the card from the adventure deck, the text on the numbered side of the card takes effect in the whole. As the card is no skill card, you never use it for a possible ability but only for its successes (stars and/or sevens) when revealed from the action deck. The "When this gets revealed..." effect is actually not an effect you gain when revealing the card, but it's already gained the moment you shuffle it into the action deck and is only triggered by revealing it. |