Forums/ The 7th Continent/ The Adventurers' Camp6 posts |
Just thought I'd pop these here as it's hard to contribute to the forum when the game is such a spoiler nightmare
Whenever feasible, pick your team on character, not skill. You can teach skills; you can't teach character. Ranulph Fiennes Posted
Very nice, great job ! And custom transparent bases is a really cool addition.
Btw, where does this spider come from ? : Solo (Eliot & Dimitri) / : Traque Sanguinaire+Marais de l'Epouvante / : 0h00 (0 sessions)Le Passé : 6 malédictions levées (DV-OG-CP*-LG-CD-SI) / 22 sessions pour environ 48H30 / 0 (parfois de peu) Posted
Thanks for the compliments :)
The Spider is a roaming monster (Random Encounter) from Massive Darkness. Which hasn't made it to the table yet due to 7th Continent and Gloomhaven Whenever feasible, pick your team on character, not skill. You can teach skills; you can't teach character. Ranulph Fiennes Posted
1Zombie7, where did you find the clear bases? Was it difficult to rebase them?
Forums/ The 7th Continent/ The Adventurers' Camp6 posts |
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