Forums/ The 7th Continent/ Rules and Operating Points5 messages
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The next day we played the following case:

We were fishing in the gold fishing card several times and we the snake we bitted us many times, and we already had all the poison card without running out of action cards. At that point, unless you get the bear card (the bear only slows down the process), we could repeat the fishing process, snake didn't do nothing because there weren´t more poison cards and we won more cards than we lose. We repeated this action so many times until we recovered the whole deck of actions. After we used the antidote to get the poison out. Did we do something wrong or found an exploit? Nothing happens if you gain a damage card type and there aren't more damage card of this type ?
We need more informations to understand your case.

  • Did you spend skill :icon_hand_blue: or item :icon_d6: to succeed the fishing action :action_fish: ?
  • Did you choose only ONE card from the 250 (the other go back to the box) ?
  • Did you put the fished card into the Past after you take the food 002 ?
  • Did you have enough free slots in your inventory to keep all the food cards ?
  • If you already have a "Poison" card :icon_hand_orange: in hand and the card ask you to draw it again, did you do it (to check if there's a :discard: to apply) ?
  • How many "poison" cards have you in your box ? How many players in your game ?
resource_fire Firebird resource_fire (ma ludothèque)
T7Continent : icon_succes DV, OG, LG --- icon_curse SI, [CD+SI] --- icon_success-left Histoire, Pénitence, Funéraille --- card_type_temporary_event [SI+TS]
T7Citadel : card_type_temporary_event
Also: when you took a "poisoned" card while you already had one, did you remember to return the "poisoned" card that you already had?
:flag_curse_sm:1/7: VG 2017-09-07
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perexaos a écrit :
We were fishing in the gold fishing card several times and we the snake we bitted us many times, and we already had all the poison card without running out of action cards. [...] we could repeat the fishing process, snake didn't do nothing because there weren´t more poison cards and we won more cards than we lose. [...] Nothing happens if you gain a damage card type and there aren't more damage card of this type ?

I have a problem understanding your scenario.

  • There are five poisoned (:card_pick:108) state cards.
  • There can be a maximum of four characters.
  • Each character can have a maximum of one poisoned card.
  • The only way for a state card to leave a character's hand is to return to the adventure deck.
  • You say that you ran out of poisoned cards in the adventure deck.

How is the scenario you describe (running out of :card_pick:108 cards in the adventure deck) possible?

This is my perception of how it should be played when you are instructed to draw a :card_pick:108 card (see page 16 of rule book for further details):
  1. draw a :card_pick:108 card from the adventure deck (it is not possible that there are none, see above)
  2. if it has the :discard: symbol, you discard as many action cards as :icon_hand_orange: cards you have in hand (before adding the one you just drew)
  3. you add the poisoned card to your hand
  4. if you already had a poisoned card, you return the "old" card to the adventure deck
  5. if there were more characters involved and they also are to draw :card_pick:108 cards, after the active player has done the above all other involved players do the same (steps 1-4), one by one, in clockwise order
We didn't return the poisoned card to the aventure deck. Thanks!
Forums/ The 7th Continent/ Rules and Operating Points5 messages