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We played with 2 characters.
What we decided, in order to carry her, was to have one character do the lifting and the other do most of the other actions (that character would try to enter the side rooms, talk with people, explore. While the one carrying Taja was basically only moving behind, with some exceptions). Posted
Auto réponse :
il n'y a probablement que 3 objectifs à avoir. La conclusion demande le noombre de cartes objectifs et ne va que jusqu'à 3, pas 4. Je ne sais pas pourquoi j'en voulais plus... Posted
"New garden" par chez nous.
Le blason est un arbre (très moche, d'ailleurs) sur une croix (horizontale - verticale). Posted
Bon, à mon tour d'avoir des doutes sur ce scenario!
J'ai obtenu 3 objectifs et cherche le 4eme. Mais sans succès. après le 3eme, trouvé dans la citadelle en ruine, je pense qu'on a un indice pour aller chercher le 4eme: trouver une bestiole qui a attaqué la citadelle et qui serait dans le coin (le marais?) Mais en baroudant dans le marais, avec des explorations coûteuses à cause du niveau relativement faible du tremblesol, je ne trouve rien... Suis-je sur la bonne piste? Posted
Voir la bonne citadelle donne déjà une carte objectif, donc si vous êtes aller au bonne endroit, vous auriez du trouver une de ces cartes.
Si je me rappelle bien de la carte, ce n'est pzs une action (icône
![]() ![]() Il ne s'agit donc pas de faire quelque chose sur cette carte, mais de profiter du bonus en faisant l'action de grimpe sur une autre carte (de la même salle, pour profiter du bonus). En fait, il faut supposer que tu peux deplacer les tonneaux pour grimper dessus. Posted
On the back of the card, it is stated that when flipping it, you are to read the dialog on the top left.
If there are pther dialogs, I am not aure, I assume it would be read at the same time (when knowing about it), but that is an interpretation : I have nothing to back it. Posted
Je suis presque sur de moi:
Il s'agit de cartes ![]() A priori, il n y a pas de figurine au debut d'un scenario, mais lors du premier deplacement, d'apres la carte de morceau d'alambic: il arrive!!! Et on peut donc le rassembler en plusieurs scenarios. Posted
I wondered about that a bit too.
What I am doing now is: Do the "at the beginning of preparation" stuffs Then follow the order on the quest book, assuming the line "do not forget about your buildings, quests and [I don't remember]" is meant to trigger all of those at that point. If I remember correctly, the line is right before picking the terrain card where we start the scenario, so after drawing ![]() This seems to be an interpretation of my part, so I'd love to know what the poulps think about that. Posted - Edited
I do believe that when they mean to check something against a keyword, they'd state it "if you have a card with the "mirror" keyword" (I'll double check what I am saying when I can -> I looked quickly and found a card requesting you to have a
![]() If they don't state that, I'd assume you have (by the rules) to have the card with the specific name required. there is a card called "mirror" Of course, as you said, an house rule to use any kind of mirror makes sense thematically. Posted
In french that card states that you can put back 3 "espoir" cards to get a different card.
I was wondering if the cards to put back are meant to be strictly "espoir" cards or if it was meant to be "lueur d'espoir" (049 cards) as it kinda makes sense that it would be a discount and I haven't seen cards strictly called "espoir" yet. Posted
I was about to, I had to stop playing just when the game told me to...
I guess I was too curious ![]() Thanks for the indication. Posted
I was wondering about the hint given at the beginning of the scenario:
"You might find 7 hop reborn cards" or something like that. But upon playing, I only found one, and a few glimmers (which might count as another hope reborn if I get enough). I understand I might not be able to get everything, but I seem awfully far! So my question is : Where are alll of those hope reborn cards? Anyone found all of them? The question isn't spoilery, but the answers will be. Posted - Edited
I have a doubt about supporting characters. As I understand the rules, only the active character can use ![]() But some ![]() If a supporting character has such a card should the effect apply (as it is mandatory) or shouldn't it (as it is not owned by the active character)? An early case of such an action can be found in the intro scenario, and it makes sense to have the mandatory effect apply (as per logic, not necessarily rules-wise unless I missed something): I am playing with 2 characters, and in the first room one of them picks up the injurred npc(having a negative effect when moving). If the other character choses to get away from the room, with the carrying character supporting the action, should the negative effect apply for the carrying character? Or not? Because of logical reason, I assumed it does (they are still carrying the wounded). Edit: I found the same question on bgg, it's been answered, but not by an official ![]() https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/3251387/article/43828747#43828747 Posted
Il y a aussi un autre endrois oú je n'ai rien trouvé pour cette malédiction:
La carte 702 (zone de neige au nord) J'imagine que tous les sites d'atterrissage n'ont pas quelque chose pour cetter malediction si ce n'est Le bonus du mainate Bref, Malédiction levée! Posted
J'ai déjà posé la question à d'autres endrois, mais je tente avec vous, ayant terminés la malédiction.
Comme vous le dîtes pas mal, le moyen de finir la malédiction est de se poser à chaque trou pour recupérer des objets/savoir aidant à manoeuvrer la mongolfière. Lors d'un des arrêts, je n'ai rien trouvé et suis donc reparti sans bonus (et ayant dépensé pas mal d'énergie). Je n'y retournerai pas (en espérant que ça ne me manquera pas trop à la fin) et je suis donc curieux de savoir ce que j'ai raté. Il s'agît de l'arrêt sur la carte 326 du mainate descendre la falaise et nager Quelqu'un peut il me dire ce qu'il y a à trouver dans cette zone et où? |