Forums/ The 7th Continent/ Errors on the game3 posts
Posted - Edited
Once you put your
Sculpted flower :card_pick:118
to the right place at
card :card_pick:159
you will end up with two such items. One is in your inventory and the second one at
card :card_pick:152
. This is not a big problem if you'll immediately perform the
:action_open: action at card :card_pick:152
because the text at
card :card_pick:152
Pulling the sculpture from the wall ...
, but if you won't do that you will literally have two
Sculpted flowers visible: one in your inventory and the second one on card :card_pick:152

This, unfortunately, does not work thematically.
Possible fix would be to add text
"Discard Sculpted flower :card_pick:118 from your inventory"
right after
"You notice one free slot and fit the sculpted flower into it." at card :card_pick:152
and also add
"Take :card_pick:118"
to the end of the white box (success) for the
:action_open: action at card :card_pick:152
The other possible solution is just to
create new gold :card_pick:159 card with the same front as it is now at :card_pick:152, but with removed sentence "Pulling the sculpture from the wall" while the card :card_pick:152 would just say:
Banish 118. Banish green 159 and replace it with gold 159. Banish this.
Forums/ The 7th Continent/ Errors on the game3 posts