Forums/ The 7th Continent/ Rules and Operating Points4 messages
First post here, and I've only been playing for a couple of days, so please be gentle.
When the rules for combining items mention that you may combine items so long as they don't exceed the stacking limit. I have not found in the rules where it mentions what this might be. What is the maximum number of items that may be combined into one column of your inventory?
Take a look a your satchel. For every player count there is a picture how many stacks a player may have and how many items per stack are allowed
:flag_curse_sm: : 5/7
Posté - Edité
The item limits are shown on p.15 of the rules, under "An Item".

They are also shown on the Satchel and Journal card as a reference.
Ah, thank you. I'm blind, and have been attempting to teach the game to my family, who must have overlooked that on the card.
Forums/ The 7th Continent/ Rules and Operating Points4 messages