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Based on a few updates on kickstarter, changing the shipping address is locked until after wave 1 is complete. Serious Puolp states they will unlock shipping addresses in April to allow individuals to change thier address for wave 2.
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I was curious if anyone knows if the future serious pulp shop will sell any of the expansions? As seen on some of the other topics, they will sell limited extra copies of the base box and some accessories (card sleeves). Since the expansions (including what goes up) are not finalized, or manufactured yet, will the shop include preorders or ways to order this expansions for the second wave coming in October? While it seems like an easy idea, the designers may have their reasons to not do such a thing. I'm curious if there is any intent or plans for ordering these prior to the second wave or if limited extra copies will just be sold as in the base box once wave 2 ships?