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adambomb76 wrote: Hello I recently backed The 7th Continent and I understand the game is currently en route in a cargo ship to Vancouver, Canada. I see nothing has changed for Wave 2. Honestly I'm pretty disappointed by this...less for the inconvenience of having to wait for it to cross the continent and then cross it again, but more for the carbon footprint of an extra 8800 kms of shipping to get the Wave 2 box back to where it was before it went on a 8,800km jaunt back and forth across North America. I wish SP would take this concern more seriously and look at having 2 distributors for Canada and the US. A west coast one and an east coast one. Posted
Hello I recently backed The 7th Continent and I understand the game is currently en route in a cargo ship to Vancouver, Canada.
From there it's going to go to Toronto, Canada and then get shipped out to backers from there. I live in Vancouver - is there any way I can get my game when it's in Vancouver instead of it shipping 4,400 kms to Toronto just to get shipped another 4,400 kms back to Vancouver? I'm sure I'm not the only one living in Western Canada - would save you a lot of shipping cost and save the environment too if you didn't have to ship items from one side of the continent to the other side, just to ship them back again. Seems a bit silly to be shipping it an extra 8,800 kms. Please let me know if there's anything I can do. Thank you. |