Forums/ The 7th Continent/ Rules and Operating Points4 posts
My game group came up with the question of what actually ends the game, is it any card with a skull :icon_curse: on the corner or is it the actual curse card? We’ve been playing with the former as the rule. Thanks!
Posted - Edited
Any :icon_curse: Curse card (when you draw from the Discard Pile). If it is "Death is lurking" or one of the curse-specific cards does not matter. See the bottom right column of page 17 in the rule book and top right column of page 22.

The game ends immediately and players lose collectively if one of the following occurs:
  • a player reveals a :icon_curse: Curse card drawn or revealed from the Discard Pile while the Action Deck is empty;
  • the applicable consequence of an action all characters are involved in states “Your adventure is over”.
To clarify:
  • When you run out of cards in the Action Deck, if you need to draw or discard from the Action Deck, you shuffle the Discard Pile face down and reveal cards from it instead of drawing or discarding from the Action Deck.
  • If you draw a :icon_curse: card in this way, then the game ends and all players lose. (It does not need to be the clue-specific :icon_curse: card.)
  • If you somehow manage to restore cards back into the Action Deck, then on future actions you will draw from the Action Deck (and not the Discard Pile anymore) and will not lose if a :icon_curse: card comes up until the Action Deck runs out again.

And, as krbj referred to, you can also lose if all characters are involved in an action that results in "Your adventure is over."
:flag_curse_sm:1/7: VG 2017-09-07
Forums/ The 7th Continent/ Rules and Operating Points4 posts