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i have come across white action icons with Mastery icons to their left:
![]() i see two different interpretations for those: 1) The action automatically provides/includes Mastery at the given level. 2) The action cannot be attempted unless at least that many levels of Mastery are provided by a character attempting the action. Which interpretation is correct? Posté
The rules for Mastery don't address this: when using multiple Mastery effects in a single Action, are the Mastery levels added together or is only the highest one applied?
(FWIW, i assume only the highest is used.) Posté
i'm looking for the pedantic definition of "adjacent" as it regards to Terrain cards. Specifically, i'm using weather effects for the first time, and they rely, in part, in that definition. The definition is normally clear, but there are cases where we need to distinguish between "physical adjacency" and "logical adjacency":
![]() In that photo, the top and bottom cards are logically adjacent but not physically. This is important not just for weather effects, but also for purposes of removing the Paranoid state. It's also not clear whether the distance between those two cards is 1 or 2 (i don't think that actually matters for any case i can think of, but the answer would still be interesting to know). Opinions are welcomed, but citations for an official ruling are better :). Posté
Ping... is there an official statement on which of the interpretations listed in the first post is the valid one for the case of "... and {-X pips}"? The interpretation which seems most appropriate (#3) contradicts the rulebook (page 17).
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EDIT: resolved: the word "enables" in the quoted rule clarifies usage of items as being optional.
Page 21 says: Using an item enables the player to freely choose to apply some or all of the effects of one or more Item cards it consists of. Should that really be "any number" (i.e. "zero or more"), or is a player required to use an ability from at least one card in an activated Inventory item? The word "some" may be interpreted as both "one or more" (common usage) or "zero or more" (dictionary definition of "unspecified number"). This question came up over on BGG: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/article/26861533#26861533 Posté - Edité
BrunoS a écrit : I guess we'll have to replace a "will" keyword on card "Wild imagination"... Since the discard holder is optional (the setup rules say to use it "if you have it"), might it not make sense to simply deprecate the use of its effects, rather than modifying cards (reducing the number of Will cards we have to use with keyword-specific effects)? FWIW, i don't use the discard holder's effects because Praying has punished me far too often and never rewarded me, so i see no benefit in its use other than for an exploit like the one described in this thread. Posté - Edité
Kornetmuse a écrit : I think this is a "language issue". I mean in french the trap is perfect, they don't mention "arid" because deserted and desert are the same word in french. So the trap is harder to set in english i guess. So, yes, the hint text is downright wrong in English. Seagulls don't live in arid places. Kornetmuse a écrit : Now you've learned and you won't do it again. The lesson this teaches the player is that time-intensive side quests lead only to doom and destruction, making them completely unattractive. Posté
i consider the current hint text on this seed to be a bug. Seagulls do not live in
arid desert arid Posté
Firebird a écrit : One of the places has i disagree. First, the dictionary definition of "deserted" corpses arid someplace "arid" Firebird a écrit : You should be amused by this subtle trap. I was (because I also make the mistake) ! i spent two full hours working towards that specific spot only to use that item, and when i got there it told me that the hint was, in effect, lying to me. i am not the slighted bit amused. Posté
Kornetmuse a écrit : It's not because there is a match (as perfect as it seems to be) that this is the only/good/better solution... The solution revealed on BGG by other players is in no way a better match for the given flavor/hint text. The given text is not merely a "good" match, it's a perfect, 100% unambiguous match. That's what pisses me off about this. Posté - Edité
Unisus a écrit : Maybe Ignoring the "desert"/"deserted" (DESERTed) "deserted" "(of a place) empty of people" necropolis If the result of the card makes it less deserted If this were a case where a player needs to expend only 5 or 10 minutes of effort before getting kicked in the balls, i wouldn't be all that upset about it, but it's a case of the hint text telling the player unambiguously where to go and what to do, and then, after the player spends 2 hours getting there and doing it, the game kicks the player in the balls and laughs at him. That's downright evil, and not in a "ha, ha, we got you!" kind of way. It undermines the player's trust in all future hints provided by the game. Every single hint, from this point on, will be viewed as unreliable. Posté - Edité
i just discovered that the forum post snippets shown by this site's search engine apparently reveal text hidden in spoiler tags.
e.g., searching for A0857 reveals a post i just made, and the snippet shown in the search engine reveals text which i carefully spoiler-protected in that post. Posté - Edité
For the first time ever, i feel that 7C has maliciously lied to me, kicked me in the testicles, and laughed at me.
Full details are in this BGG thread: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/1841684/ And i'll summarize here: card A0857 (#360), otherwise known as the Mysterious Seed plant the seed someplace "truly arid and deserted" which has a symbol matching the one on card 360 Card # 281 planted the seed there planted the seed in the wrong place, and then places a horrible monster which blocks off my access to that section of the map Two users on BGG suggest that there is another location (near where i started my session this evening) which is also a match, but it cannot possibly be a better match for "arid and deserted" than a necropolis in the desert Posté
Firebird a écrit : My point of view is a weak argument, but if your example is about a climb action My instinct is to interpret it the same way you do, but that interpretation conflicts with the rulebook's description (page 17), which says that "pip damage" is applied across the affected players, distributed as the players like. The example given on page 17 also conflicts with this interpretation, but that example only includes pip damage, and not the phrase "each player takes ... AND {pip damage}". Posté
BrunoS a écrit : Hi, Great, thank you :). Which of the multiple interpretations of "each character takes XXX &/and -Y pips" listed in the top post is correct? Posté
Ping. A reminder to Firebird to please ask Bruno whether effects provided by cards which say "The following effect applies as long as you have this in hand" are voluntary or mandatory.
There's an FAQ entry for this thread's main question now, but it doesn't address that specific corner case. |