Forums/ The 7th Continent/ Rules and Operating Points2 messages
Rulebook at page 22 says:

The new character’s figure is placed onto the same Terrain card as the other figures.


  1. In the game there are various figures: character figures, fire figures, rockworms, weather figures (and more comes). Since the cited sentence does not specify the figure type, could the new player place his figure on a Terrain card with a fire figure, or rockworm, even there is no other character figure on that Terrain card?
  2. In a case the answer to previous question is "no", does the cited sentence mean that all other character figures should be on the same Terrain card? For example, when 3rd player is joining a game while player #1 is on Terrain A and player #2 is on Terrain B, should they group together before player #3 joins them?
1. no, they mean character figures
2. yes, in my understanding the new player can join at the start of a new session (which means that everyone is already in the same spot after last save), not in the middle of the session.

Reading the rules now, I was wrong, a new character could join the party in mid-session (e.g. if the previous character was killed).
I guess you would put the figure next to any other player figure.
I don't think others are meant to group together when a new character joins mid-session, but maybe the designers will clarify.
Forums/ The 7th Continent/ Rules and Operating Points2 messages