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It did. Thanks a ton for the help and the game!
First off I looked for an answer but sorry for the spam if I missed it somehow.

Got the game today (awesome) and I picked up one of everything (from the second wave/non kickstarter site thing. Inventory as follows..
1x The 7th Continent: Base Game (English)
2x The 7th Continent: Bone Dice & Dice Bag Pack
2x The 7th Continent: Spiral Notebook
1x 7th Continent: Sleeves 1400+
1x 7th Continent Reprint base game cards EN
1x 7th Continent Bundle Explorer EN
1x 7th Continent Promo Pack BGG
1x 7th Continent Facing the elements
1x 7th Continent Fear the devourers
1x 7th Continent Path of repentance
1x 7th Continent Comfort Creatures
1x 7th Continent The flying Roots
1x 7th Continent What Goes Up, Must Come Down EN

My question is why did they ship the reprint base game cards? Was that a misclick on my part? I looked in the base (black) box to see if the numbers matched for an even swap and they dont - the reprint cards start at 00 not 01 like the black box - infact none of the numbers match - its almost like the bad cards were left out of the black box?

Anyway thanks again in advance for clearing this up and sorry if this was easily found somewhere I missed..