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I had problems with iOS a year ago when I tried it. I'm right now updating the android app to include the latest two sounds. Just waiting for Bruno to send me the two icons since I don't have the font to create it from the fan kit. I may look into iOS again, maybe the problems I had were solved in Xamarin by now.
schleima a écrit : Can I assume the tracks will loop infinitely until you press another button? Yes, that’s how it should behave :) schleima a écrit : Sometimes the buttons do not play the songs after being tapped, and I found myself pressing the same (or different) buttons several times until the app responded. This does not seem to happen when I open the app for the first time, only when it has been open and running in the background for a while. Thanks for the feedback! Right now I‘m very busy and therefore also had no time yet to further optimize it and also to finish iOS. The audio Library I‘m using still has some bugs and I also reported some. I just received a message from google that the app was flagged as „unauthorized use of copyright material“ and therefore is not findable in the store right now. I just provided them the proof from this thread and it should be back the next days. Posté
First release for Android can be found at Google Play! Enjoy! iOS will follow soon :)
Sorry, „showing off“ was just a bad choice of wording. Wasn’t meant in any bad way but just as a short form for „showing others what you already achieved“ with every benefits it includes :) there definetly are benefits
Do you like this for personal record keeping or for showing off online? I thought about upgrading the soundtrack app I did to an companion app, but as of now I'm just gathering some ideas while publishing the app as soundtrack app the next days.
Hello Bruno,
thanks for approval. It surely will be free, fan-made will be in the title (if possible) and if not, there will be at least a disclaimer in the app stores and in the app itself. Credits will be behind a button in the app as well to not destroy the UI. The Copyright for SP and Barry Doublet will be directly on the screen, placed as decent footer. Posté
I'm working on a small and simple Soundtrack app for the game. Totally unofficial and just out of appreciation. The plan is to include the exploration images for the differnt areas. If you click on one, the soundtrack of the area will start in an endless loop. It's just more conveniant than the web page and I love to listen to the soundtrack and had a bad connection some weeks ago while travling. I will also add some controls to the lockscreen while the music is running, so that you can just select the correct area right from your lock screen.
Android prototype is already working, iOS shouldn't be to hard since I use Xamarin (Cross-Build) and just have to solve some minor stuff to run there too. If someone is interested in testing it, just leave me a message. I will run a private beta run around next week :) Posté
Just click on this site on Resources -> Downloads -> Card list or just click here: https://the7thcontinent.seriouspoulp.com/documents/t7c/The7thContinent_cards-list.pdf
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Just got in touch with them through Twitter. Hope they can resolve it. Otherwise I have to get in touch with SP to solve the problem.
EDIT 4pm: Bruno contacted me via mail. He talked to Meeple Logistics and they will try to resolve the problem :) So thanks already. I hope to get it somewhere next week before I have less time again :( Posté - Edité
The package is overdue and I always only get the notification that it will be delivered tomorrow (for 2 days now). The problem is, that according to https://www.paketda.de/dpd-depot-193-obertraubling.html the delivery center has no drivers available and is completely down under. I just phoned DPD and they confirmed that they don't know when they will be able to really deliver it. From the comments on packetda.de, this problem already exists for 2 weeks and it's not clear when it will be resolved.
I offered to pick it up directly from the depot (90km one-way...), but they declined that this is not possible and that I have to wait until the internal problem is resolved... So it looks like I have to solve another curse before getting on the island... Fun fact: I got 11 packages from DPD over the last 2 years, and NOT A SINGLE ONE of them was delivered as it should. I got messages like "address does not exist", "not at home" and "delivered to neighbour" (with an address 6km from my home...). But THIS is the worst of those adventures. Becuase even if it was some work to get my other 11 packages, I was able to get them 1-2 days late. But this time, it looks like I can't do anything... And this really sucks... Posté
Thanks to SP and thanks to you, Firebird
![]() Posté
I would totally buy the errata cards (and new expansions) :)
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What the gold one means was written by Bruno in the same post:
You can still fish, but it's harder/you get less. This may also be different for some hunting grounds, so not being able to take the action sounds also like one possible option. But you are correct, his message can also be read that way :) So the cards get really banished, also through saves, and a second green is the only option (after resetting the board), to have another "better" chance until the pool is nearly depleted Looking forward to get the game soon (in Germany) and to see all the stuff for myself! Posté
Germany, 84036 Landshut :)
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Hi, I only have the manual at hand and can build my answer on the posts written here since I haven't received my game yet. But BrunoS' answer is contradicting the rules as I understand them (at least if the wording here in the posts is correct).
BrunoS a écrit :
But as I understand the rules: Manual, p.17 a écrit : All banished cards will be returned at the end of the game (when players lose or win). Manual, p.21 a écrit : Resuming the game. Return all the cards in the Past to their place in their respective original deck. So only the past is reset, not the banished pile, right? So either they are sent into the past (and not banished) to come back after resuming or they are banished and won't come back after resuming. But banishing and resuming doesn't seem to fit here. So I assume the card says in the text to discard it (as Lyannah wrote) and not to banish it (like GreatCthulhu + BrunoS wrote). Posté
Very good idea!
I also think this is a must have and should be created by Ludo to match the style of the official back-side banner. |