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On Terrain Card 312 - you can Spot/Observe card 438 (or 447 if doing Offering of the Guardians). They all say if you succeed you see something and take 404 if you fail take 436. 404 just suddenly says your wrist is stuck and then has some hard checks.

This seemed wrong, but looking at 436, and the psychotropical fish, I'm assuming this is working as intended and the entire thing is a waste of time... even with the Banner for this particular curse.

Is that correct or is something wrong?
BrunoS a écrit :

Option 1 indeed. If a game's effect allows you to discard a card from your inventory you can discard a single "Item" card from it as long as it matches the effect's requirements (such as having a proper keyword).

If the discarded card is the top card, then the dice goes on the card which is immediately under it, and the durability of the Item remains the same.


This is a pretty big change from the rule on page 20 that says you CANNOT voluntarily deconstruct an item, unless it is part of the effect of the item card.

If your ruling here is correct, and we can voluntarily deconstruct items to meet keyword-discard options, that needs to be put right into the errata because that's not what the English rulebook says.