Forums/ The 7th Continent/ 2nd Kickstarter Campaign8 messages |
I have read the FAQ and several threads about the replacement cards. but still a bit confused.
I can just remove all the shrink wrapped cards from the black box and replace with the cards from the replacement box right? I don;t need to open the cards in the black box and go card by card matching and replacing right? it says: Note: the cards are organised slightly differently than the original set. Of course this has no effect on gameplay. Adventure Cards (green and gold backs) first; “Satchel and Journal”, Character, Save and Clue cards come next Followed by the Action cards (blue backs) Finally, the Exploration cards (grey backs). is that all cards in the black box? or are there other cards that do not get swapped (that I have to keep from the base set). sorry I know the info is in there - hope someone can clarify. Posté
They replaced all the cards in the black box. That is, all the cards with ID numbers starting with A. If you have a brand new black box and a brand new set of replacement cards, you can leave the black box set in shrink.
If your black box was not in shrink I would remind you to double-check that it isn't expanded -- I forgot I had bought the BGG promos and almost left them behind when I swapped in the replacement cards. Posté
Very late to the party but my life has been busy. I have not touched this game since the day it was delivered. I am now lookin at it again. I have a vague feeling I may have swapped the replacement cards, but I dont know for sure. Is there anyway I can tell?
Also looking at the instructions it mentions the satchel and journal cards but only one set of cards has them. Is it the replacement pack that has the satchel cards? If that's the case I swapped them already because they are in the base box. Thanks. Posté
I figured it out. The satchel and journal cards were in the last group of green backed cards, which are the replacement cards. 22 packs replacement 24 original incase there is someone that has taken even longer than me to get to this point lol.
Hey mate, so the answer to your question was to remove EVERY card from the black box and put EVERY card from the replacement card box in the black box IN THE ORDER they came out of the replacement card box?
Just making sure I get it right!! |
Forums/ The 7th Continent/ 2nd Kickstarter Campaign8 messages |
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