Forums/ The 7th Continent/ Equipment and After Sales7 messages

I received the latest expansion together with all of the addons and together with 1400 sleeves box that should have been enough to sleeve everything including base game, however I am 135 sleeves short. So no idea how that happened :) Where can I order additional 3 packages of 7th Continent Sleeves?

You should have order both sleeve boxes, if you wanted to sleeve everything
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yeah, I guess I missed that. I just checked and it said 1600 not 1400.
Anyway, can I order the rest somewhere?
You can buy other sleeves at various places
Any 80*80 should do it, but people have claimed that these are Paladin sleeves or Mayday premium ones.

You could also try to buy some when SP opens their shop soon (if they have any left)
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CS card_pick009: icon_succes, card_pick123: icon_succesicon_succes
VotE icon_succes SoM icon_succes
I contacted Mayday about their sleeves being out of stock. They say they expect to get more in the next couple of weeks.
I've seen some fairly convincing speculation that the official sleeves are made by Paladin. They have exactly the same packaging.
Hi , I just ordered those. looking forward to have all cards sleeved and finally start playing :)
Thanks for help everyone!
Forums/ The 7th Continent/ Equipment and After Sales7 messages